Our company, "Spanhills Leisure Parks," started in 2019 with a passion for creating a business that would allow people to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with the beauty of the natural world.
In the early days, the company offered basic accommodations and guided camping trips in a few local state parks. But as word of mouth spread and demand grew, they expanded their offerings to include a wider range of outdoor nature-based activities.
In 2021, the company decided to expand its offerings to include a full range of outdoor adventure services. We began offering a wider range of services, including activities such as light games, bird watching, organizing leisure visits, parties and meetings.
Today, Spanhills Leisure Parks is a thriving tourism, camping, and nature business, offering a wide range of experiences to indoor and outdoor enthusiasts of all levels. And through it all, they have remained true to their humble beginnings, never losing sight of their love of nature and their passion for sharing it with others.